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Want to order your favorites from international merchants? Get a personal shipping address abroad.

Sign up for an
Address Abroad
The address is assigned without any hidden charges. This your personal PO Box to fill up to your heart’s content.

Shop till your
fingers drop
Once your orders are logged in, you can store them for 30 days*.

Get all your orders
at once*
Save on shipping charges and get everything delivered at once through our shipment consolidation service.

Just sit back while we sort the orders for you
A few taps on the mobile app will help you get your beloved items within a few days.
But how does that happen?
Create your account
for an address abroad
Register with a quick form. You
enter the data and get registered
to our platform. An address is
immediately assigned to you, and
you are ready to start.
Start shopping from
the stores of choice
You can start adding things to
your cart and checking them
out at your convenience.
Receive updates about the
arrival of your products.
Once the products start lining up at your
addresses, we ensure that you are
constantly updated about the progress
of your purchases.
We ship packets. We ship
packages. What would you prefer?
You have the choice of consolidating all of your
seasonal wins in a single package. This option
can help you minimize the shipment charges,
you can get the orders shipped partially.
Welcome your products from
abroad to your door
Your products reach the door as soon as
they arrive in the country. Each parcel is
checked for scratches and damage
before delivery

More convenience, less confusion
Many retailers are unable to arrange an international shipping service. But should that stop you from getting your favorite cosmetics and clothing? Of course not! You can simply get a personal address abroad and solve the problem!
Store2Door is here to sort out all your international shopping concerns.
Your brands of choice don’t ship abroad
Resellers charge thrice the price for each product
Surprise deliveries get delayed by shipping companies.
You prefer a personal shopping experience.
Shipping charges and taxes cost too much at the destination.
Genuine products

A few words
from our beloved
We are grateful for all the feedback from our customers. It has helped us grow in the right direction, year after year. Thank you for every word!
Order from favorite stores away from you
Get everything you want from abroad, shipped to your home in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia